clock about 2 months ago

hi i'm gurshan

    » i'm years old
    » i'm a software engineering student at sjsu
    » i'm also a youtube editor for a few channels
    please contact me for my resume if you're interested :)
  • » i'm the sole developer at mobius engine, a job search engine
  • » i'm also an officer at sce, a software engineering club at sjsu
here's a couple of things i've worked on
  • » bopstocks is a simulated stock market based on twitch streamer jasontheween's community with over 3,000 users
  • » we used supabase + websockets for realtime updates to stock prices
  • » the pricing algorithm uses a few different factors, such as sentiment analysis with python
  • » meditag is a web app that lets nurses access and interact with patient data
  • » it has an integrated chatbot to cross-check medications given with the patients medical history.
  • » we built it for the patient safety track @ irvinehacks 2024
  • » zipp is an encrypted file sharing service that implements aes-256 and pbkdf2 encryption
  • » austere is a web server that's used to save and tag songs
  • » i made it for my home server so i can import music not on streaming services and use them through spotify local files
  • » it originally started as a media downloading service from social media platforms